Friday, November 17, 2017

Healthy diet without weight : 10 pounds with these tips

Every year many people do dozens of attempts with healthy eating and losing weight. For example, they start with a protein diet or low-carbohydrate diet.

But you can also lose weight by consciously looking at your diet and learning a healthy diet. You can learn healthy weight loss if you become more aware of your eating patterns, behavior and pitfalls.

How can you lose weight quickly

Healthy weight loss really does not have to be that difficult when you are aware of your eating patterns and choose to adopt a healthy lifestyle that makes healthy eating and losing weight go well together.

A permanent weight loss in the long term is almost always based on a change in lifestyle and awareness of the (wrong) eating patterns, making healthy weight loss more feasible in practice.

Healthy weight loss tips

For healthy weight loss, it is important to first look critically at your lifestyle and diet. Are you a Burgundian who likes good food, often has dinner parties outside, does not have time to have breakfast and then goes to snack later in the day? The better you have an overview of your lifestyle, the better you can discover the wrong eating patterns from it.

Fast and healthy weight loss is possible if you are first prepared to consciously choose a healthy lifestyle that makes healthy weight loss and staying on weight really does not have to be that difficult anymore.

Healthy weight loss through awareness of your lifestyle

With fast and healthy weight loss a change of eating patterns is necessary to simultaneously learn a healthy lifestyle, with which you can achieve your ideal weight faster and healthier. Healthy losing weight means awareness of the learned (wrong) eating patterns that need to be broken. Many people are already making the mistake of not taking a healthy breakfast or not, while a healthy breakfast activates the inner motor and starts all body processes, including fat burning !.

Healthy eating tips by changing your diet

These 6 tips for healthy weight loss help break a food pattern error:
  • Never skip your breakfast, but preferably start with a protein-rich breakfast with possibly some fruit and feel the energy flowing in your body. You can always take a cup of coffee with you
  • Choose consciously for healthy snacks in the form of fruit, raw vegetables, nuts etc, to avoid getting so hungry that you do not get lunch or dinner.
  • Teach yourself to drink a lot. Preferably green tea, coffee, lots of water and smoothies. This helps to wash away the waste and also prevents hunger.
  • Do not get things in the house that you know you can not resist the temptation to eat it. Choose the right alternatives and place them in sight in your kitchen cupboard.
  • Take some raw vegetables, fresh carrots or cucumber or something similar to nibble while cooking, to satisfy the worst hunger, so that you start eating less at the hot meal.
  • It takes a while for your stomach to give a signal to the brain that the stomach has been filled. Stop when you've eaten for 80% and you're really full afterwards.

Does your diet consist mainly of (refined) carbohydrates and little protein and fat?

Say the modern western diet ...

Then it is not surprising that you are constantly hungry and overweight. At meals with mainly (refined) carbohydrates your body gets a big peak in the sugar level. After this peak the sugar level drops and you have an uncontrollable urge for new energy (fast carbohydrates).

A very bad vicious circle ...

As if this is not enough, your body will produce extra insulin with such a meal. This hormone ensures that the sugar from the blood can enter the remaining tissues or is stored as fat.

The Western diet of a lot of (refined) carbohydrates and little protein and fat thus causes uncontrollable hunger and fat storage ... Time for a healthier diet.

Actually, a healthy diet is very easy.

No food from the factory full of sugar, salt and industrial fats but a healthy meal that consists of a combination of:
  • Vegetable
  • Meat, fish or poultry
  • Nuts,
  • Fruit
  • Berries
Of course it takes some getting used to switching from the western diet to a diet with more fat and proteins.

This goes against the general consensus that you get tired of eating fat ....

But products with a lot of fat such as nuts, fatty fish, avocados are very healthy and also very tasty. Recent research (l) has shown that the relationship between saturated cardiovascular disease is outdated. With the eating of products with saturated fat, such as bacon (jummie!), Nothing is wrong.

In fact, products with a lot of fat taste very good, satisfy the hunger and provide energy!

Are you ready to change your diet and start burning fat?

To make it easy for you, I have created a diet plan that allows you to eat and lose weight exactly as described above!

Healthy eating tips against hunger

We now know that with healthy weight loss we need to start drinking more, but your stomach also needs food and how do you ensure that you do not have to go hungry all day long?

Here 6 healthy eating tips:

Start your day with a piece of fruit and fresh fruit juice. This is the same as the hunger and the fruit sugars give you the same energy to start your day. In doing so, you immediately start your burn process and your body will burn excess fats.

  • Take a shake instead of a meal. Protein shakes have many health benefits and help you with healthy weight loss.
  • In between lots of green tea, water and non-calorie drinks to wash away the waste and get some filling in your stomach
  • Take a healthy snack around 10 am and 3 pm, because your body asks for it. Think of fruit, raw vegetables, few biscuits, rice cakes or a responsible cereal bar, but make sure your grinding stomach gets something
  • Vary with lunch and dinner and choose a lot of vegetables, because the water content in vegetables also fills, but has much less calories than a piece of meat. Alternatives are broth, soups and lots of salads with minimal dressing
  • Do not eat bread every day and switch to protein-rich food. That also fills your stomach and supports the building of your muscle tissue. Think of low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, probiotics dairy and also work on a healthy intestinal system
  • A nice appetite in the evening hours can be remedied by drinking extra and consciously choosing a couple of crackers, mini rice wafers, a broth or cup a soup with a couple of breadsticks and eat chewing gum, because that fresh taste can also increase the appetite for goodies help to reduce

Healthy weight loss and more drinking

When thinking about fast and healthy weight loss, many people think that this goes together with starvation. However, if you approach this consciously and sensibly, this does not necessarily have to be the case.

A common cause is that people drink too little fluid. Then I'm not talking about coffee and soda but about:

By deciding to drink more and certainly with all the snacks that you take, you will get a much faster feeling of saturation, so that healthy weight loss will go better and you will not get to the wrong things.

Healthy weight loss and more exercise

Healthy exercise also requires extra exercise. Just when you want to burn more fat, this process goes much faster when you get off the couch and start to move more.

This does not necessarily mean that you have to take a season ticket at the gym, but start taking the bike more often and not grab the car for every bit of the supermarket. Run up and down the stairs or treat your dog with an extra long walking tour.

This kind of extra activities already gives you a profit on your total fitness and exercise. Be aware of this because healthy weight loss and more exercise reinforce each other.

Healthy weight loss and sports

Healthy weight loss is best if you also exercise. Do you do little sporting or not, then build this up. Eating healthy and losing weight is certainly one, but the combination of healthy weight loss and exercise is two.

If you are not a sports fanatic or you are (considerably) overweight, start with swimming, cycling or group sports. Or take a look at the different sports you can do from home such as: spinning, crosstraining or training on an exercise bike.

Especially the exercise bike is an easy and accessible way to start exercising. You can look in this article: the best home trainer for home if you want to start from home with an exercise bike. But also a cross trainer is fine to start moving. Choose a good cross trainer offer online and you are already on your way.

You can also register at gyms or institutes where a better condition is being worked on in groups. The advantage here is that you are not alone and you also get to know other people who choose healthy living and losing weight. And you can support each other.

This will greatly increase your efforts to fast and healthy weight loss!

Looking for more tips on healthy weight loss than you 

“It is recommended that you look at some useful information for you. Please click here


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