If you want to lose weight fast and healthy, the right salt intake is essential. If you consume too little salt, there is a risk that your body will retain a shortage of water. Too much salt is at risk of increased blood pressure, osteoporosis and last but not least: too much salt acts as a block on your fat burning by not releasing fluid to support your metabolism.
Kitchen salt is a shockingly large number of products. Especially ready-to-eat meals, bread, canned food, cheese and snacks (also sweet snacks). Do you eat daily from this list? Then you probably have enough or too much salt in your body. You have already received too much salt for a day when you consume one ready-to-eat sandwich at the supermarket or gas station.
Because of a low salt intake, your body will retain less moisture, so that the scale shows a nicer number after 1 day. You can be 2 kilos lighter, purely and only through moisture loss. Marketers of waste methods all too often use this claim and claim that you can lose up to 5 kilos per week.
Not entirely true. Because your body stores the moisture very quickly in order to function properly, so that you are heavier on the scale again. Moisture loss also has a big effect on your BMI (Body Mass Index), making the BMI calculation only a rough indicator of a healthy weight.
How can salt help you lose weight?
The right amount of salt intake is essential for rapid and constant fat burning. Instead of blocking moisture, it supports your metabolism to convert fat into usable energy by maintaining the optimum moisture balance.
Refined salt (kitchen salt) in the Netherlands is extracted by deep concrete pipes in the ground. There, the rock salt is mixed with salt water and then processed at the factory. Refined salt is affected in such a way that all important minerals and trace elements have disappeared. The nutritional value of common salt is sodium. The American Heart Association recommends 1500 mg of Sodium per day, and you will soon find that!
A much healthier alternative is Himalayan salt. This cleaner alternative has a lower sodium content and is extracted from parts of dried up primeval sea. The proportions are not affected and therefore retain 84 different minerals and trace elements that give you a boost.
Iodine is a trace element found in Himalayan and Celtic sea salt. Iodine gives an important stimulus to the thyroid hormone. Because your thyroid gland and your metabolism are closely related, iodine can have a positive effect on your burning. Iodine is in Fish and meat, and to a lesser extent in organic milk, eggs, bread and yoghurt. Do you eat little from this list or are you vegetarian? Then you better avoid common salt and use Himalayan or Celtic sea salt as an alternative.
Do you think you get too much salt? With these tips you can quickly get a grip on it:
- No more chips, no matter how good they are. Chips, cookies and toasts contain a lot of salt. Replace these snacks with a healthier alternative such as carrot or a handful of unsalted nuts.
- Salted nuts out, unsalted nuts in it. With a good hand of salted nuts you quickly over the maximum salt intake. Replace salted nuts with unsalted raw nuts.
- Bake your own bread. Bread is a culprit for a slim body due to the amount of carbohydrates. Ask your baker for bread with relatively little salt or bake it yourself Himalayan or Celtic sea salt.
Take the three above tips to heart and healthy and natural products (and avoid alcohol as much as possible) and you will quickly burn your excess body fat.
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